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    مواضيع الاسبوع

    الأربعاء، 22 فبراير 2017

    The Director director

    نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور عن الاخراجThe Director director

    We wanted to know if the TV director, we find that the best expression of his is a person who translates the words that are written on paper to a sound and an image by a series of shots through the internal sense.

    The director is no doubt that the first charge and last for the success of any program or representative since the birth of the idea and even descends on the small screen ..

    And it rests with the program is located and connected to all persons who assist him in the execution and he has to enjoy the art of leadership, public relations, photography and imagination, and the familiarity with the general culture along with practical experience that he must take advantage of them and not everyone is able to engage in this profession that did not have ready innate to Besides the talent is certainly a TV director, the drama should be an experienced theater and familiarity with directing theatrical the way out subtle is televised theater private television in terms of drama and unfortunately, many Arab TV stations rely on some of the expertise of professionals in the field of photography, sound and allows them the opportunity to practicing the TV output without regard to the capabilities of these people and their willingness to succeed in this area or the improvement and development programs and this is the reason for backwardness in this area.

    Also, not every director is able to implement the kinds of television programs for example outlet Variety does not have the ability to output an analog program, as well as director of drama may be unable to transfer a football match - since each color from these programs the art of stand-alone Fmkhrj variety shows him to be familiar with peace and musical taste and sense of music and rhythm so that he can translate music translation honest-to-image fascinates the viewer not to mention the taste of music director of television drama, if not represented theatrically has professed representation or output on stage will never have the ability to move the actor in the floor of the studio or filming site .

    One may argue that there are a lot of filmmakers in the field of drama and did not come up the stage or engage in theatrical output ..

    The answer is yes there .. But what gave those with regret .. only broken by the work corrupted the taste of the viewer.

    As well as children's programs directed him to realize that is the world of young adult world and should always take into account the child's sensitivity to certain things.

    It is also, for instance, he should avoid the following topics:

    1. quarreling and conflict between parents

    2. The use of weapons and traps and gallows

    3. Smoking and drinking alcohol

    4. brutality and the use of knives, swords and bottles

    On the way out of child labor recognize the special studies on child psychology and behavior and orientation programs and the use of the expertise in this area of ​​educators and doctors aware of the same meeting.

    It is truly unfortunate that the health program director did not have any information in first aid (some of course) note that it uses doctors from various fields of medicine and he has to provide his program means to clarify that it was not able to understand how it translates through television many examples screen and there is nothing wrong .

    And on TV management mode all the way out in the direction that is consistent and inclinations and potential personal and professional scientific and technical expertise and including the director's mission is to stir the emotions of the audience, we must understand the quality of this audience of the cultural and intellectual level to achieve the goal of his program and he has to take into account what is believed that the public need to watch It is important important to know in advance of a radio program and whether his matinee or evening or in the evening time and the quality of the program are they cultural, sports, drama, religious, recreational, etc.

    And the quality of the public whether they are from young people, children or adults.

    As it should be organized, accurate and scholars for his good study and explaining the paper every arcane detail about the program and filmed and explaining to everyone who works with him before the registration day well in advance, and only lost him time in vain to explain what is going on in the head of the ideas of photography day leading to loss of time fidget and his staff.

    The director can not implement its work only with the help of the production team who have known them before starting the execution, gaining the friendship Mtvhma to the nature of the work of each of them after they have studied the text study well and put your work on the output text of the clips and the movements of the artists before sending the print version perception, it is not reasonable to put the notes and the movements of the camera and the music after printing the text so that the text seems distorted difficult reading.

    After printing the text discusses the ground Alastdbo scheme with designer decor and work experience required for the program as well as the preparatory meeting for the program for the study of the production plan.

    And the study of problems that may impede the workflow.

    The study, planning and research are essential to the success of the TV show .. and scenes that cost a receiving antenna and a shower, TV and receiver dearly .. and after the trouble and tiring day at work has the right to sit back and enjoy watching the TV and follow a good program implementation and only having to change the channel to another channel .. or put a video rather than pursuing a trifle bad program implementation is not worth seeing.

    And the director should be familiar with fully conversant professionally television work as bases photomontage ..

    And the properties of lenses, lighting and sound and everything related to television work professionally.

    Good director is the one who draws the attention of the viewer and the art of Abehrh him out of the program, making the viewer repeating after every shot and then what. Working in the field of television production and output of the most powerful means of communication collective known to man yet, he should know how it works this way

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