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    مواضيع الاسبوع

    الأربعاء، 22 فبراير 2017

    Grasp the concept of directing

    Grasp the concept of directing

    نتيجة بحث الصور عن صورة الاخراج Directing at large is the process of the leadership of the artwork, making the director in charge of the first and last for the artwork appears on the screen, The way out of Aasour nor the montage and Aaalv music and Eebeni decor and distributes lighting himself, but at the same time be present at every stage of these stages, to decide most involved the technical elements in the construction and composition of the picture, choose shots and angles and visual and sound effects, and composition and camera movement and montage, and everyone needs to be a final decision, because they all work according to the director's vision, but it is also a shrug that only works without them.

    And indicates the Directing that originally emerged in the theater to the combined effect of which gives representatives, Viodaihm representative, makeup and fashion expression, as well as landscape and Maver of lighting and accessories, and with something of a waiver of the differences between the fields of film, television and theater Antbakhma express them all.

    In acting .. features that wants director in the face of the actor is not enough to be manifested on his face, it represents, but Ajboadha be of the type can Alcamaraon ever recorded, and the intended expression that could camera disclosed. In theater actor to recite his vote along with the expression on the face , while the front of the camera can be recorded close of minute movements of the face.

    The decorations and lighting Valmkhrgeon decide to use interior or exterior with the use of certain lighting appropriate to the reality of movable and the nature of the event also to show more appealing and realistic, and the degree of precision delivered by a director in film and television very high degree, because the director is able to re-imaging of objects and people even It gets exactly Mairead, as you can not isolate theDirecting  from the script for being inseparable to achieve any television work, the way out goes out to work on paper first before it turns into a picture, from here he had to master the scenario of all, if these two Mufrdtin can be fired a lot of work that needs careful regulation or the influence and impress.

    As is well-known television today addresses and permanently mind and thought and taste of the recipient. Many human behaviors we see influenced by the television work of art that stands behind an innovative director and team works with the integration, the Directing  process is not a profession only but a visionary Mtoukdh to create things out of nothing, This means that the director is a normal human being but has yet to enjoy the special possibilities such as those enjoyed by the magician who dazzled people with creativity and organization in order to influence the recipient.

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