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    مواضيع الاسبوع

    السبت، 25 فبراير 2017

    Mohamed Salah Abu Seif (Salah Abu Seif)

    نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور للمخرج صلاح ابو سيف
    Mohamed Salah Abu Seif (Salah Abu Seif)
    Egyptian director, of the leading pioneers directors who laid the rules and traditions of the Egyptian cinema from the very beginning, and famously realistic his films that come to represent her methods and features and stages of tests cinematic School, even earned a well-deserved title of "Abu realism" in cinema Almbarh.old director "Salah Abu Seif" on May 10 in 1915 in the Bulaq neighborhood of Cairo, and worked in the textile company in Mahalla al-Kubra at the same time the work of the technical press and then embarked on a study of the different branches of the cinema and science related, such as music, psychology, logic, and there in the camp, met with the director, "Niazi Mostafa" who helped him to relocate to studio Egypt in 1936 M.bdo "Salah Abu Seif" working montage in studio Egypt, and became chairman of the Department montage studio for ten years where he studied under his hand, many in the art of montage, and in the beginning of 1939, and before traveling to France to study film work as an assistant the first director, "Kamal Saleem" in the movie "determination" which is the first film realist cinema Almbarh.ovi late in 1939 returned "swordfish" from
    نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور للمخرج صلاح ابو سيف
    France because of World war II, and the first to try it in film directing novelist in 1946 and it was this film is " always in my heart, "based on the foreign film" bridge and Waterloo, "was starring" Akila salary "and" Emad Hamdy "and" Daulat white ". When he returned," Salah Abu Seif, "from Italy in 1950, where he directed the Arabic version of the film" Falcon "starring Emad Hamdy and Samia Gamal and Farid Shawki, it had been affected stream of new realism in Italian cinema and insisted that fighting this experience through the Egyptian cinema, and the realism when" Salah Abu Seif "means to see the reality and implemented Bbesrk and Besertk in the depths and aware and conscious the roots of the phenomenon, not only monitor features only, and that's what his body in his films such as "RIA and tranquility," "bully," "young woman," "the beginning and the end," "Cairo 30",
    نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور للمخرج صلاح ابو سيف
     "second wife", "Sakka died," "the beginning". the films 
    succeeded in imposing an intimate atmosphere confirmed by compassion and concern and his handling of the sensory sincere with the camera, which toured in the streets and popular lanes on topics derived from the reality of the Egyptian and Arab life and its problems, Votheraha human dimension artistic style is not achieved in the closed studios, and became "Salah Abu Seif," president of the Governing Council of the first film production company in Egypt,
    نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور للمخرج صلاح ابو سيف
     and a professor at the Higher Institute of cinema, and the dean of the Institute of scenario in Alqahrh.amthel "swordfish" an important stage in the history of Arab cinema his films with different topics, in the movie "empty bag" which directed in 1957 depicts happiness impossible in a romantic context of Iraq, which makes this movie more films sheet mass, and in the film "bully" excels at capturing climates popular market and conflicts raging photographer, in a way close to the epic, personalities seeking to go beyond the narrow Atogaha.obulg total films by "Salah Abu Seif" throughout his career forty films have earned them awards and accolades in many Arab and international festivals, and at June 22, 1996, the great director died at the age of 81 years.

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