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    مواضيع الاسبوع

    الجمعة، 24 فبراير 2017

    The story of the artist's life Ismail Yassin

    The story of the artist's life Souissi Ismail Yassin
    نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور اسماعيل ياسين .... the occasion of the 43 anniversary of the death of the greatest what gave birth to the Egyptian and Arab cinema
    Anniversary of the 43 passed the departure of Egyptian artist Souissi Ismail Yassin gave birth to the greatest Arab cinema through the ages .. On this occasion the author said aromatic blindness journalist and historian Souissi Hussein in writing: -
     that Ismail Yassin is no doubt that the greatest Stooges in the Arab world throughout history and there is no Arab families whether they are residents of palaces or tents, but that affected his movies and Asaadtha laughter artist myth (Ismail Yassin) since the films exhibited in 1939 .. in spite of all this history and glory, however, Ismail Yassin lived a life and miserable in his last days after he suffered from the proceeds of time and the need for the receding lights curse but lost both to the extent that he can not pay the apartment to which he moved after the tax sale rent revenue sources architecture .. the equally willing to meet with him before he died months later in the Egyptian television Maspero building .. when it was associated Bmied with Mr. Mohammed veins director of voice of the Arabs at the time, pointing out that he Vajye artist myth has become an old man exhausted dashing dressed send on self-pity .. he could not believe that e 1 a veteran shattered himself a great artist who laugh hundreds of millions .Vajit artist myth asked Mohammed veins that give him the opportunity to participate in a radio series in the month of Ramadan, authored by writer cynical Mahmoud Saadani to help him on the face of life's expenses. has made me cry if Ismail Yassin after decades Odgna
    نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور اسماعيل ياسين
    And lists the journalist history artist legend says Ismail Yassin was born on September 15, 1912 in the field breaker strange zone in Suez is one of affordable family case. His father was a jeweler known in the public market street in the city, but he faced conditions difficult material after the death of his first wife, "the mother of Ishmael" .. and his marriage to another was spent is not commensurate with the husband's income and accumulated debt and entered the prison for a while and then left him to sit on the pier street after being unable to maintain the gold shop and said we see in Bbana on a small wooden table & sells rings and gold jewelery .. it was Ismail is the only son to his father to involve himself and did not have a hobby only sing songs Abdul Wahab old but form large and his mouth was an obstacle great in front of him, where the facial features, mouth raise laughter dramatically
    نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور اسماعيل ياسينLeave Ismail Yassin Suez and 17 years old and then in 1929 to begin life journey extremely difficult, where he worked in one of the worlds squads Street Muhammad Ali, then at the Casino "casualties exquisite", a dancer, an exhibition of Lebanese were pioneers Review theater sings Almnolojat which was written by him lifelong friend Abu Saud Ebiary .. and spread these difficult ten life full years before they find the first opportunity to represent the film in 1939 in the film Fouad Aldzaarly (behind Habayeb) becomes (Ismail Yassin) eruption of laughter cinematic bomb and common newsreaders for twenty consecutive years during which he made a 500 film a figure that was not reached by any actor in the world in the history of cinema - and was sometimes associated representation Aktar of seven films at one time .. and like the golden age especially year 52, 53 and 54 more than 16 films on a year .. in 1954 Ismail Yassin universe with a friend Amra Abu Saud Ebiary
    theater bearing his name has been operating until 1966 and provided about 50 play .. and famous Ismail Yassin providing film series bearing his name, such as
    (Ismail Yassin in the airline - and the military - and the police - and marine -omschwy lunatics - and Tarzan - and Ismail Yassin for sale - and Ismail Yassin meets Rhea and a knife and other comedy movies)
    As for the tragedy of Hussein Ismail Yassin ..verweiha blindness saying: finally began to paint her features in the life of Ismail Yassin as of 1961, with only two films after not represent that it offers dozens of movies every year at least .. it came to it from 1962 until the year 1965 not only offers one movie .. and different views about this progressive decline in artistic and cinematic presence and whether it is due to inertia and lack of catch up to new methods .. or is the emergence of a new generation of stooges surpassed their art work through comedy that relies on the position and not just words or moving the facial features .. but surely he faced a fierce war of some of those responsible for the media and who paid the new comic faces and fled her all the possibilities to eliminate Ismail Yassin phenomenon .., despite disagreement on the causes of this vicious war, which some attributed the causes to a sense of a number of officials from the culture and pains at the time not to support Ismail Yassin revolutionary enough, but some plastered by the proliferation of a number of jokes counter-revolutionaries and the symbols of patriotism .. whatever the validity of these accusations or not, but it was of course an unequal battle affected violently on the great artist after being besieged employment opportunities in front of him and pushed many of the competitors and to remove any obstacles in front of them .. "blindness" saying it was only natural after all these wars that characterized the dimensions of unethical several aspects of the hit by many diseases most notably heart disease and accumulated Don, particularly taxes booked on architecture built from his years and sold tax at a public auction in front of him for getting Garret disease that not even the price of medication and treatment finds prompting him to leave the whole of Egypt and traveled to the state of Lebanon to work in some Lebanese films humble and went so far to the resurrection of providing propaganda films (ads) for various commodities and movies without technical level (such as the Knights of Gram - and generous Alhoy- and meet strangers - and the gang of women), all of which are movies that do notLive artistic level not mentioned the history of cinema in any way .. and returned Ismail Yassin dashing and sad to Egypt at the beginning of 1970, looking for any jobs, but the lights had receded curse and began a new generation of artists takes place in the Egyptian cinema, such as Fuad Eng - Abdul Moneim Madbouli - and Adel Imam - and Secretary Huneidi and others .. and allied attic all these general conditions with difficult family circumstances special problems and differences of the only daughter "Yassin", some of which reached the extent of bickering in confrontations in which she was the weaker party to the extent that some people because of a heart attack that caused his death to deuce took place between him and his son, "Yassin" was borne by "Ishmael," the acute cardiac crisis that gave her spirit after the May 24, 1972 for sixty-one years .. As for the relationship Ismail Yassin his family in the Suez "lived Ismail Yassin's life miserable character, contrary to what many believe .. it has gone through a marriage three times and did not beget only son and sole "Yassin" which later became a filmmaker limited was no moment better than his father faced many social and health problems it is also died of a heart heart .. under Ismail Yassin maintaining a relationship with his father throughout his life, despite some psychological pain that was felt by towards some of the father's positions and his choice of his second wife was attending to the Suez almost regularly until he died father in the early sixties and say you personally see the father, who was sitting in the Sheikh Mohammed Abdu Street wearing a cloak and a meal and a caftan and sells silver jewelery on a wooden desk located in front of him .. Ismail Yassin was not involved in any work of art for the Suez except for some movies that are filmed in the city, such as the movie "son of Hamidou," but he was proud of only to the Suez in various his speeches and press was probably why no association with the city through any social work of art is the lack of any initiative in spite of the existence of artistic movement and play advanced in the Suez throughout the period of the forties and fifties in addition to that he was busy, of course, his work film that were not leave him time to think or rest .. under Ismail Yassin since his death in 1970 without any real honor of Suez that Maj improve Shanan Governor of Suez from 1987 until the 1990 launch of his name on the main stage to preserve which was being constructed and the secretariat was based on the note writer and writer Anis Mansour who was in Suez invited me to attend a symposium on the war in October 1987 and the eternal Anis Mansour and then surprise at the absence of any street or a building or a theater in Suez carries the name "Ismail Yassin" Although N. affiliation her hurried "improving Shannon" naming "Ismail Yassin "on the stage, which is near completion, and when you convert the theater to the complex role of cinema in 2001, insisted the governor of Suez at the time," Saifuddin Jalal "the need to put Ismail Yassin's name on the complex, which includes several role cinema display despite the fact that his son Yassin objection to the belief that the launch of the name proud to compound cinemas "brands" you need to pay a fee as a result put his father's name, however, Major General Seif Jalal Governor of Suez persuaded him to put his father's name is only honoring literary and does not represent any material return on Alatalaquan tragic end to legend Ismail Yassin was the end of life Ismail Yassin tragic whatever assume that word meanings do not want to go into the night of death, the details of it aching heart rending self .. lost witnessed that night quarrel familiar between him and his only son, but he was a violent degree greater than any night .. it seems that his heart could not bear to extend to the hands of the people closest to him stopped beating that night Batha alone Mkloma not seen by the dawn of may 24, 1972, but was lower that make her laugh so much difference, but my strangeness Obacth also did not cry by those greatest stooges tragedy .. Ismail Yassin, which solved his memory 42 on May 25, 2015 May God have mercy artist Ismail Yasin mercy and a wide soul rest in peace.

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