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    الأحد، 30 أبريل 2017

    George Siddhall Biography

                        George Siddhall Biography
    نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور جورج سيدهم
    He was born on May 28, 1938 in the city of Gerga in Sohag Governorate. He received his bachelor's degree in agriculture from Ain Shams University in 1961, and he is a master of the arts. He was married to the pharmacist Linda نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور جورج سيدهمMakram. George loved acting since his childhood, where he imitated many personalities. In the secondary stage, he developed his talent for acting. He نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور جورج سيدهمbecame the head of the acting group at the school. The audience then met him through a silent passage entitled " Cool "in the" Tasley "television program, which He was asked by the social supervisor "Hassan Ibrahim" at the Faculty of نتيجة بحث الصور عن صور جورج سيدهمنتيجة بحث الصور عن صور جورج سيدهمنتيجة بحث الصور عن صور جورج سيدهم
    Agriculture to provide it. This paragraph, which was the beginning of his work on television with his colleagues, "guest Ahmed" and "Samir Ghanem," and then proceed with them in the sky of comedian art after the presentation of a banner entitled " In the program "with people", which was a good omen for them, after seeing the director, "Mohammed Salem," who nominated them to make a paragraph, "Dr. Haqni." The great success achieved by "George" and his colleagues pushed them to form a band under the title " Which provided the most beautiful of the arts of comedy, including Fawazir Ramadan and some plays Such as "Hawadit" and "Malikas", in addition to some of the most prominent films: "30 Days in Prison", "Marriage on the Modern Way" and "Afrah." However, He is famous for his performance of theatrical sketches and his performance of the sarcastic roles of women. Among his most prominent works are "Garage", "The Apartment of the Wife's Right", "The Idiot", "The Child's World", "The City Floor", "City Lights" and " "" The Fun Band "," The Three Mad Men "," Very Crazy Youth "," The Idol of the Masses "," The Last of Jinan "," The Two Brothers "and" Last Shkawa ". "George Sidham," a stroke in the brain resulted in a complete paralysis in the right part of his body, and affected the center of speech, which led to the disappearance of art for nearly 16 years.

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